“Chefchaouen,” was inspired by the enchanting city in Morocco, famously known as the ‘Blue Pearl.’ The vivid blue hues of its houses and streets have captivated visitors for generations, and the mystery behind why Jewish immigrants originally painted the town blue only adds to its charm.
In this piece, I sought to capture the essence of Chefchaouen’s unique atmosphere through a rich palette of blues, punctuated with touches of yellow and white. The textured strokes and layered application of paint are my way of representing the intricate and vibrant details of the city’s architecture, as well as the interplay of light and shadow that gives Chefchaouen its magical feel.
“Chefchaouen” is not just a visual representation but also a tribute to the city’s enduring allure—the mystery that surrounds its blue palette and the sense of wonder it inspires in all who visit. Through this painting, I hope to convey the same sense of intrigue and beauty that I felt when I first encountered the ‘Blue Pearl’ of Morocco.
Acrylic on boxed canvas
76 cm x 50 cm